Few words about me

“Never Fear, Starting;

Fear, Never Starting.”

First of all, I would like to Thank all those people (Friends, family & Mentors) who have come across my life till date and taught me the different shades of Life. Especially the generous and intellectual people who have supported me at my alma maters at Mt. Abu, Nagpur & Mumbai.I was born in Gujarat, India.

The Beginning of my Life                                                                                                                       Started climbing the stairs of my education in Mumbai. Studied my nursery & Kindergarten classes, with full of activities and memorable moments at Indian Education Society’s New English School, Bandra – Mumbai.

The Core Foundation of my life                                                                                                             I was blessed to pursue my primary education, Spending the most crucial years of my life right from 1st grade at a hostel in Mount Abu, a hill station in Rajasthan. This hostel played a major role in the foundation of my life as it’s all because of the mentors there who taught me the core knowledge to lead a happy and peaceful life. Thereafter I continued my further studies in Nagpur, (Orange city of India). Here, I was again blessed with the wisest and the most intellectual mentors available. at a Boarding School at a hill station. Hera i had an Opportunity to live in a residential school with International students. Extra curricular activities parallel with Academics. Practiced activities like Rifle shooting, Skating, Karate, Horse riding Oratory and what not.


The Concrete Foundation of my life                                                                                               The Most significant contribution in shaping my character was done during this period. From 6th grade to 12th grade. Learned all the Life lessons that one needs to know of for a successful Life.Practiced activities like Oratory, Content writing, Debating, Sports etc.

The Present phase                                                                                                                                     After completing my +2, I’m currently in Mumbai (City of Dreams) studying Computer Engineering at Mumbai University. Apart from being in Tech, I am more into all the philosophical and psychological aspects around me,

I prefer unlocking some Truths, that we aren’t aware of, though presently they are just from my Utopia, but then some internal power in me, motivates me to research more & more about the Truths that the world hasn’t reached yet. I am more inclined towards Psychology, I am keenly interested to know about people from all kind of Cultures & Traditions.

I research on topics like Life, Death, Dreams, love, Relationships, Emotions, Religion and more of that kind. I am so much bonded to know about people, in fact, every individual’s story.
I have a habit of getting connected & befriending intellectuals from all around the world. To be precise I believe in sapiosexuality. I have an awesome life & my Idiosyncrasy has taught me the most abundant knowledge existing in the World.

Thus I am an Open Book. Feel free to share me your problems or even if you want to get into some kind of discussion.

” The sole purpose of this blog site is to Connect our Emotions, get connected with all those interesting people who have learnt the best experiences from life. More for the people who are into emotional crisis, depression, anxiety & unhappiness. Together we shall switch your mood & construct a beautiful smile on your face. ” 

Check out one of my stories at https://medium.com

Mail me at premraval010@outlook.com

 Have a good time and remember me in your time of need.


2 thoughts on “Few words about me

  1. Getting into psychology and philosophy opens our mind and reveals so much about our ownselves that we are probably unaware about!Glad to come across a versatile person’s inspiring blog.


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